Spring is here!
Yesterday we went for yet another lovely walk, one that Peter has never done. Here is Assenova, our particular district of Veliko Tarnovo, we do have some beautiful countryside very close to us. The sun was shining in a blue sky and it was gloriously warm. I even saw a butterfly. Tina enjoyed herself, that naughty little fat doggie.
The day before was not so enjoyable. First I went to one of those exhaust garages, the ones that mostly repair and replace knackered exhaust systems on cars, and they said that they really could not find anything wrong with the exhaust. Well, they lifted the car right off the ground, so I was able to see for myself. Anyway, if it is not the exhaust that is making the noise, then I suppose that it really must be the engine. Bad news.
More bad
news awaited me when I arrived at the hospital. Our GP, Doctor Ivanov, said
that we really ought to have some tests and so we had a blood test and various
things monitored our hearts. The results? Well, generally we are quite healthy,
but the seriously bad news is that our cholesterol levels are significantly
above normal. Mine is particularly bad. Oh dear!
Yes, it is true that I do love cheese, cream, red meat, pizza, lots of fried foods, ice cream, sausages, eggs and just about all of the things that are all full of cholesterol. It is pretty depressing. Also drinking alcohol is not too bad, but no more than seven units per week. As you have probably guessed, that is quite a lot less than what I usually drink! The other problem is that Irena is always buying lots of pork whenever we go to the supermarket. Fish (but not shellfish) is a lot more healthy and it will not push up your cholesterol like red meat does. I think that we do need to change our diets, as I have no desire to have a stroke or a heart attack, and maybe we will even try to eat some vegetarian food. Perhaps I will grow some big front teeth and floppy ears.
Irena is not
too happy because she has to go to the dentist tomorrow. It all sounds pretty
serious and the dentist might have to do a lot of work.
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