In Praise of Sofia

Bulgarian National Revival architecture and Irena Sofia. You cannot get away from it. If you are coming to Bulgaria, then sooner or later you will find yourself in the capital. Serdica, the ancient Thracian and Roman city now has plenty of crummy Commie concrete around the edges, mostly built in the 1960s and 1970s and now crumbling, not so elegantly. However, this piece is not going to be downbeat, so let us focus on the good things that Sofia has to offer. The Russian Cathedral Now I have to admit that this post is inspired by that self-confessed greedy goose Claire’s excellent piece about the food in Sofia in her splendid blog, Claire says that she is always on the look-out for places to do some of her favourite activities (eating and drinking, of course!) I am sure that Claire will not mind if I include some of her recommendations, but I am also going to add a bit more sightseeing stuff and bits and pieces of general interest. The Rus...