Winter is here!

The weather has been decidedly wintry for the last few days. We had a fair bit of snow and some of it has not melted, as the temperatures have been so low. Happy anniversary, Mr Putin! Three years of war, destruction, death, mutilation, wives becoming widows and children losing their fathers. What a bastard! What a scumbag! It made me so angry when Trump said that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was really Ukraine’s own fault, just as Hitler tried to say that it was all the fault of Poland. (The Nazis arranged a number of "false flag" operations, so that they could have excuses for their aggression and their attacks on Poland and other European countries.) The good news is that the Americans are gradually learning what a piece of filth Trump really is. Elon Musk is even worse. The mid-term elections are not so very far away and a lot of Republican senators and congressmen are going to face re-election. It should be interesting. As for Europe, my guess is that many countries ...