Why doesn't everyone just move abroad? Part 1

Just in case you have not already caught me out, I am now going to put up my hand, confess and acknowledge that I am a guilty plagiarist. Claire Rushton’s splendid blog Auntie Bulgaria is just too good and so of course it has to b e imitated, paralleled and, yes, copied. One of her recent posts, Why doesn’t everyone just move abroad ?, summed up my thoughts about the UK and Bulgaria so well that I simply must repeat some of the points Claire makes. First of all, I did go to university when it was free and it wasn’t just any old Uni. Oxford still has a certain cachet, a cut above yer average redbrick. Looking back on it now, I was amazingly lucky. And then I got my PGCE and that was free too. When I graduated, I did not have thousands of pounds’ worth of student debt hanging over me, unlike many students in the UK in more recent years. As for that perennial topic of English conversation, namely house prices, I think that Claire was absolutely spot on when she wrote about the problems...