Gardening Bore, Part 7

Yes, it is the return (yet again!) of the Gardening Bore. The red peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins are all coming along well, although a drop or two of rain would not go amiss. Perhaps the asparagus and the artichokes will do something next year. I have been reading about the fuel shortages in the UK on the BBC website. (Unfortunately, we only get CNN on our TV here in Daveri). It seems to be pretty bad and the government does not appear to be doing much to improve the situation. As for gas prices, yes, they have gone up a lot and probably they will continue to rise. Germany is building (or has already built) a new gas pipeline, in order to get gas from Russia, but I do not think that the UK is part of that. Here in Bulgaria, I think that hardly anyone uses gas for heating. If they are in the countryside, then people either use wood (logs) or wood pellets. In the cities, most people have apartments and they have some sort of electrical heating or maybe an oil-fired boiler. I ...