
There has been a lot of hullabaloo in the UK about a Maths question that appeared on this year's Year 6 (Grade 4) SATs paper for Mathematics. There was a big article about it in the TES. It's not that hard. It took me about a minute to solve. The trick, of course, is to understand that the two squares should not be the same size. Maybe that is why the examiners put the word "different" in bold type . (Do teachers ever tell their students to read the question, I wonder? Maybe they do.) The students should also know that there is not much point in panicking, crying and wasting a lot of time on a question that only carries one mark if they really have no idea what the answer is. This is just common sense and good exam technique. All of the exam papers that were ever written have had some questions that were harder than the others, so there were some that could have been done quickly and easily, while there were some that were more challenging and time-consu...