Dear Ben, A voice from the past! Yes, of course I remember you, a nice ginger-haired boy. Weren’t you one of my ace reporters for “The Windlesham Weekly”? Or maybe were you a keen robot-builder? Like you, I was absolutely shocked by Michael Green’s crimes. I just could not believe it. In some ways, I still find it very hard to comprehend that he really is a criminal and he did dreadful things during the time when I was teaching at Windlesham. No one ever said a word to me about “Greenie” that suggested that he was doing what he did. The Maldens, especially Elizabeth-Anne, seemed to think that he was wonderful. Lots of parents even invited Greenie to their homes! My friend Peter was teaching at Windlesham longer than I was and he was the person who told me about how Green was put on trial and ended up in prison. As I understand it, Green has been given two long prison sentences and therefore it is very likely that he will die in prison. As he pleaded his innocence at his trials, it seem...