Going back?

Recently there was some discussion on a Facebook group about why expat Brits would want to leave Bulgaria and go back to the UK. In my experience, very few expats sell up and leave Bulgaria, although some do for family reasons or bereavement. Here is my contribution to the discussion. If your life in the UK had been so wonderful, then of course you would never have wanted to leave in the first place and you certainly would never have wanted to go and live in Bulgaria. Yes, it is true that learning the Bulgarian language is not exactly easy, if you really want to be fluent in it, but in reality Bulgarian is not much harder than French or German, once you have got over the novelty of the Cyrillic alphabet. In any case, why would you want to do something stupid like returning to the UK? Because you miss the fun of driving on the M25, aka the biggest carpark in Europe? Because the National Health Service is such a model of prompt and efficient patient care? Because all of the affordab...