Happy Holidays Part 1

Whenever we want to go away anywhere, the perennial question is, "What do we do with the dog?" We took Tina with us to Zakynthos and Samothraki, but this time we decided to leave her at a boarding kennel. Tina does not really like travelling and you cannot have a good beach holiday if dogs are not allowed on the beach. Accommodation options are also more complicated if you have to find somewhere that is "pet friendly". Herbie's boarding kennels, to the west of Veliko Tarnovo has had some good recommendations on Facebook, so we thought that we would give it a try. Ian and Sylvie, the owners of the kennels, are really nice "doggie people", Yes, I am sure that it must have been distressing for Tina at first, but she soon settled in and enjoyed playing with the other dogs. On our way back from Corfu, we picked up Tina and brought her back to VT. Although she has lost some weight, there is nothing wrong with her appetite and so she is determined to restore ...